Apartment search

We have a new cozy home for you!

Avain Asunnot offers a variety of housing options from over 12,000 homes in numerous locations across Finland. We provide owner-occupied apartments, rental apartments, and right-of-occupancy apartments. You can find our available apartments through our housing search. Choose the most suitable apartments for you and submit an application.

Available owner-occupied apartments

Asunto Oy Helsingin Tuohimaa

Ounasvaarantie 12,00970 Helsinki

Apartment building, 50 flats

Estimated completion: 30.9.2026

Asunto Oy Tuusulan Tsinnia

Puustellinraitti 3, 04300 Tuusula

Apartment building, 32 flats

Estimeted completion: 27.3.2026

Asunto Oy Helsingin Turkoosikulma

Turkoosikuja 3 B, 00430 Helsinki

Apartment building, 34 flats

Estimated completion: 1.1.2026

New construction

Explore our planned and under-construction new developments. By joining our mailing list, you will be among the first to receive up-to-date information about our upcoming new developments.

Forms of housing

Are you looking for a new home? Or would you like to switch from one form of housing to another? Avain Asunnot has over 12,000 homes, including a variety of housing options. Take a closer look at the housing options we offer and find the one that suits you best.


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