Jobseeker register
Jobseeker register
1. Controller
Avain Yhtiöt Oy
(Business ID: 1951766-7)
Lautatarhankatu 8 B
FI-00580 Helsinki, Finland
Tel. +358 20 7624 700
2. Person in charge of data file matters
Head of Administration
Lautatarhankatu 8 B
FI-00580 Helsinki, Finland
Tel. +358 20 7624 700
3. Data file name
Jobseeker register
4. Purpose of processing personal data
Recruitment needs, the processing of job applications and the needs related to these.
5. Register data content
– name
– date of birth
– address
– phone number
– e-mail address
– basic education and qualifications, with dates of completion
– other training completed
– application and software skills
– special expertise
– language skills
– current roles (employer, job title and job description)
– most important previous roles (employer, job title and job description)
– references
6. Regular data sources
Information provided by the applicant in electronic form or on paper, including appendices.
7. Retention period of applicant data
Avain Yhtiöt retains application data for a maximum of two years after the recruitment process is completed and a new employee is selected.
8. Regular disclosure and transfer of data outside the EU or the EEA
The data is not transferred to outside the EU or the EEA.
9. Disclosure and transfer of data
The data is not disclosed to outside Avain Yhtiöt.
10. Data file protection principles
Paper documents are stored in locked premises accessible only by designated persons who have signed a confidentiality agreement.
The information stored in the IT system is stored in a centrally locked and controlled data centre, which is protected by firewall and other technical means. Only designated persons who have signed a confidentiality agreement have access to the data, and they are required to use a unique username and password at login.