Business operations
Comprehensive home and housing services provider
Avain Yhtiöt specialises in the production of apartments and housing services. Social responsibility and sustainability are an integral part of the business operations of all Group companies. Their common goal is to act for the benefit of customers in an open and genuine interaction with all stakeholders, also taking into account social and financial impacts. The Group’s parent company is Avain Yhtiöt Oy and its subsidiaries are Avain Asumisoikeus Oy, Avain Vuokra-asunnot Oy, Avain Vuokrakodit Oy, Avain Rakennuttaja Oy, Avain Palvelukodit Oy and Tencon Oy.
Avain Asumisoikeus Oy
Avain Asumisoikeus Oy is the third largest owner of right-of-occupancy housing in Finland and play a major role in providing housing services in the country. The company produces right-of-occupancy dwellings and maintains a diverse housing stock throughout Finland.
Avain Vuokrakodit & Avain Vuokra-asunnot
Avain Vuokrakodit and Avain Vuokra-asunnot offer high-quality non-subsidised rental apartments for different housing needs in the vicinity of good services and transport connections. The aim of the companies is to own and build new rental apartments in and near urban centres.
Avain Rakennuttaja
Avain Rakennuttaja specialises in residential construction and project management services. The company manages the entire construction chain from analysing the client’s aims and planning to the warranty inspection of the completed building
Avain Palvelukodit
Avain Palvelukodit specialises in assisted living and provides a high-quality and safe way of living for the elderly, people with reduced mobility and others in need of assisted living. The company owns the service homes, and the service homes are always operated by a separate service provider. In addition to Avain Yhtiöt, Mutual Pension Insurance Company Ilmarinen is a co-owner of Avain Palvelukodit.
Tencon is a company specialising in new construction, working in close cooperation with Avain Rakennuttaja. The company has overall responsibility for site management and procurement. The company operates in the Helsinki metropolitan area.