Kotiavain tenant website
Welcome to Avain’s resident website!
On this page, you will find instructions and a link to log in to the Kotiavain resident application, which is available to all Avain residents.
The resident website is a building-specific page for Avain Asunnot residents, where you can access current announcements and documents related to your building. Kotiavain also serves as an electronic notice board for residents. The resident committee can inform residents about upcoming events and matters to be discussed in resident meetings. However, registration with the new Kotiavain is not mandatory, and important resident announcements will continue to be distributed by mail to all residents.
The Kotiavain resident website can be accessed through a web browser or a mobile application. To log in to the resident application, use a browser and go to mobile.o4a.fi or click this link . You can also download the mobile application from the App Store or Google Play Store under the name “One4all Mobile.” Your username is your own email address.
How can a new resident access Kotiavain?
A new resident will automatically receive a registration invitation to the application after the contract comes into effect, sent to the email address provided to Avain.
I have been with Avain for 5 years. How can I start using Kotiavain resident application?
To use the resident application, you need an email address. If you haven’t had an email address, please provide your new email address by clicking the “Sähköpostisoitteen päivittäminen” (Updating Email Address) link . You will receive a registration invitation for Kotiavain to your email within 24 hours.
My email address has changed. How do I update it in Kotiavain?
You can inform Avain about your changed email address by clicking the “Sähköpostisoitteen päivittäminen” (Updating Email Address) link . You will receive a login invitation for Kotiavain to your new email address within 24 hours.
I forgot my password. What should I do?
Click the “Unohtuiko salasanasi?” (Forgot your password?) section on the Kotiavain application login page. After entering your email address, you will receive an email with a link to reset your password.